Saturday,  October 27, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 102 • 27 of 41 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

• Watertown Public Opinion. Oct. 25, 2012
• Learn the facts, voter
• One of the worst things voters can do during an election is to take anything they see or hear at face value. Keep in mind that political speeches, advertisements, mailings and other forms of campaigning are all designed to make a point in favor of the person saying whatever is being said. And also keep in mind that point is designed for the sole purpose of benefitting whatever person or cause it is supporting; as a result, truth is often clouded.
• P.O. Capital Correspondent Bob Mercer brought that point home the other day in one of his blog items that appear on the Public Opinion's website. Mercer referenced a TV?ad in support of Initiated Measure 15 which seeks to raise the state sales tax by a penny and divide the money between education and Medicaid.
• The speaker claims that when video lottery was approved by voters that the money was intended for education funding. The problem is that's not the case. True, when the debate about video lottery was going on, a lot of people assumed the money was going to go to education. The problem is the state never made such a promise. The Legislature refused to dedicate lottery money to education because they had seen the experiences in other states where lottery revenue started high and tailed off. Further, as a result of the 1994 property-tax revolt, the Janklow administration passed a 30 percent property tax freeze and used proceeds from video lottery revenues to replace lost property taxes for schools.
• Voters need to remember whether the issue is an initiated measure, a referendum, a constitutional amendment or a candidate, those speaking publicly either for or against it are making a point supporting their own point of view. As a result they will make the strongest selling point possible to convince people to come around to their way of thinking and support their position. They are not trying to be objective and there's nothing wrong with that. They are supporting a position that in their opinion is the right one and are trying to convince as many people as possible to agree with them.
• In the end, the final decision is up to the voter and it's the voter's obligation to decide what is in their own best interests, and those of others, when it comes time to decide how to cast their vote on whatever item is before them. That's why it's important we all inform ourselves as best we can on the issues at hand and make our decisions on an objective basis instead of relying on one-sided pitches supporting one cause or another. Know the facts, both pro and con, before casting your vote. It's in your own best interests.

(Continued on page 28)

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