Tuesday,  October 23, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 98 • 2 of 43 •  Other Editions

Summer project $8,000 over budget

• Final numbers on the summer street project were available for the Groton School board members at their Monday meeting. The project came in $8,000 over budget. This leaves the board with a decision to make.
•  One option is to take the curb and gutter portion of the project out of the project and place it in the City of Groton's installment plan. This would free up about $30,000. The curb and gutter could be paid off in either a 5 year or 10 year plan.
• A second option would be to go ahead and pay off the entire project bill. This may leave the school district budget short in some areas. There is also some concern about future work that may need to be done that is not in the budget.
• There has been a long time concern about the status of the roof. There have been leaks in the ceiling and it seems that there is quite a bit of standing water in some places. There has also been talk in the past about the concern that the furnace chimney is too low, allowing fumes and gases to come back into the building. As of now, there is no money budgeted for either of these projects in this year's budget.
• The board decided to wait on making a decision until their next meeting, when they will look at approving final payment on the street project bills.
• The board looked at the lease agreement with the City for the use of the soccer complex. Overall the lease meet with the approval of the board, however, there were some areas of hesitation. The lease stipulates that the school will be responsible for all maintenance to the complex. The High School Soccer program is not the only program to use the soccer field and buildings, the Groton Soccer Association

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