Monday,  October 22, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 97 • 3 of 34 •  Other Editions

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Protect our Prairies Act in the House Agriculture Committee-passed Farm Bill. This legislation would encourage conservation of native sod and grasslands by reducing crop insurance assistance for newly converted croplands for the first four years. With a hunting industry as vibrant as we have in South Dakota, this legislation is just common sense. It also saves taxpayer dollars.
• To all our pheasant hunters out there, good luck and hunt safely!
Rep. Kristi Noem is South Dakota's lone U.S. Representative, elected in November 2010. She serves on the Agriculture, Education and Workforce and Natural Resources Committees.

Strengthening Homegrown Energy

As the drought continues today, USDA and other Federal agencies are doing all we can to help farmers, ranchers and communities who have been impacted.
Unfortunately, our tools are limited. Due to inaction by Congress, many parts of the 2008 Farm Bill expired October 1, and other aspects of the law will expire in the

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