Monday,  October 22, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 97 • 28 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 27)

page. Tushaus also said he wasn't immediately aware of a motive.
• "I can tell you we're not seeking additional suspects," he said at a news conference Sunday evening. "The community can feel safe."
• The shootings set off a confusing, six-hour search for the gunman that locked down a nearby mall, a country club adjacent to the spa and the hospital where the

survivors were taken. The search froze activity in a commercial area in Brookfield, a middle-to-upper class community west of Milwaukee, for much of the day. Ultimately, Haughton was found dead in the spa after killing himself.
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Overnight clashes in Lebanon leave 2 dead, officials say

• BEIRUT (AP) -- Clashes in Beirut and other parts of Lebanon killed at least two people and left more than a dozen wounded overnight as fears grow that Syria's civil war is spilling over into its smaller neighbor, security officials and state-run media

said Monday.
• The latest spasms of violence came amid rising tension between Lebanese groups that support and oppose the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and in the wake of the assassination last week of a top anti-Syrian intelligence official in Lebanon.
• Most of Lebanon's Sunnis have backed Syria's mainly Sunni rebels, while Lebanese Shiites tend to back Assad. The Syrian president, like many who dominate his regime, is a member of the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
• Lebanese Brig. Gen. Wissam al-Hassan, who was killed in a car bomb in an east Beirut neighborhood on Friday, was a Sunni who challenged Syria and Hezbollah.
• His assassination has threatened to shatter Lebanon's fragile political balance. Many politicians have blamed Syria for the killing and angry protesters tried to storm the government palace after al-Hassan's funeral Sunday but were pushed back by troops who opened fire in the air and fired tear gas.
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Rock on: George McGovern's candidacy a landmark for counterculture

• NEW YORK (AP) -- Abbie Hoffman sobbed that fateful night at the downtown Manhattan apartment of fellow activist Jerry Rubin. So did Rubin and Allen Ginsberg. John Lennon was drunk, and out of control, shouting "Up the Revolution!" in mock celebration of a dream defeated.

(Continued on page 29)

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