Sunday,  October 21, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 96 • 5 of 46 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

ants. Birds concentrated in those areas of quality cover and hunters had success finding birds there."
For a majority of South Dakotans and guests, opening day ranks right up there with a holiday like Christmas.
"Opening day traditions are a big part of why we hunt pheasants in South Dakota," Kirshenmann said. "Spending time with old friends, introducing the sport to new hunters, returning to the places where we have hunted for years - those are the reasons why we are drawn to the fields year after year."

The Lighter Side
Rev. James L. Snyder

Be Sure, Your Sin Will Find You Out

•It happened to me again this past week for the umpteenth time. The last

time it happened, I promised myself it would never happen again, as long as I lived. So much for my promises, or maybe I died.
• I found myself stranded at the neighborhood grocery store. I meant to put gas in my car, honest I did. Somehow, it slipped my mind.
• I do not mind things slipping my mind if they are not important, and if it does not involve the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage. Unfortunately for me, this did.
• I don't mind lectures from my Beloved, if I could sometimes pick the topic. Topics like religion and politics would be a nice change.
• Her topic, which she never tires of, is my forgetfulness. At least I can't remember any other topic at the moment.
• My car was definitely out of gas and I was going nowhere in it. My only recourse was to walk across the street to the store, and call my wife to come and bail me out of trouble.
• Every husband knows how difficult this is because we have to do it so often. I went to the phone booth in the store and made "the call." Then I went and took a

(Continued on page 6)

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