Tuesday,  October 16, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 91 • 6 of 41 •  Other Editions

Claremont Recorder

by Beverly Schudar

• Well, most of the leaves have found their way to the ground and the morning air has definitely taken on a more crisp feel.  Summer must be over.  I bet I could find a lot of adults that are sort of dreading winter and a whole lot of kids that can't wait for the flakes to arrive but like it or lump it, it's coming.  In the past I've had commutes to work that caused me a ton of stress in the winter but now I could easily walk to work.  I probably won't because starting my car and driving it two blocks doesn't seem terribly illogical to me.  I can find ways to make even the most hair brained decisions sound reasonable, I'm talented like that!
• Our community may be small but it sure has some exciting things transpire as the weeks come and go.
• The United Methodist  Church would like to invite everyone, young and old and everyone in between to join them for their Harvest and Hunters Breakfast being served this Saturday October 20th from 7:45 til 9:30am.  You'll enjoy sausage gravy and biscuits, eggs, hash brown casserole, fruit, rolls, coffee and juice.  I'm sure it goes without saying but these ladies in Claremont are really good cooks so you won't want to miss this delicious breakfast.  Your donations will be used towards the purchase of a new sound system.  The United Methodist Youth Group will also be holding a silent auction to raise funds for their mission trip next summer.

• The Cheerful Chimes Extension Club met Wednesday October 10th at the Claremont United Methodist Church.  Jackie Pigott  was the hostess for this months' meeting.  She served the eight members present a delicious rum cake.  During roll call each member was asked to respond with their best Halloween costume ever.  I'm betting that sparked a lot of interesting conversations.  The state meeting

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