Sunday,  October 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 89 • 19 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 18)

4 men plead guilty in SD robberies, burglary

• RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) -- Four men have pleaded guilty for their roles in convenience-store robberies and home burglaries in Rapid City.
• The Rapid City Journal reports ( ) that each man reached his own plea agreement with prosecutors, which resulted in some charges being dismissed. All four will be sentenced in November.
• Authorities say the men were involved in March robberies that took beer at two stores and cigarettes at another. A gun was involved in at least two of the robberies.
• Twenty-two-year-old Hebrew Audiss pleaded guilty to being an accessory to first-degree robbery and attempted first-degree burglary.
• Eighteen-year-old Adam Poor Bear pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery.
• Twenty-two-year-old Matthew Wright pleaded guilty first-degree robbery.
• Twenty-three-year-old Cassidy Grosz pleaded guilty to being an accessory to first-degree burglary, aggravated eluding and probation violation.

AP News in Brief
With second face-off looming, Obama and Romney spend Sunday practicing for debate

• WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (AP) -- President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney are each forgoing time on the campaign trail Sunday in favor of hours of intense debate preparation ahead of their next face-to-face meeting.
• Obama, seeking to rebound from a widely panned performance at the first debate, was huddling with advisers at a sprawling riverfront resort in Williamsburg, Va. Romney retreated to his Boston-area home, where the Republican nominee was working to replicate his commanding turn on the debate stage.
• The days devoted to debate preparations underscore just how important the next face-off, which falls exactly three weeks from Election Day, is to both campaigns. Millions of Americans are already casting their ballots through early voting, meaning there are few opportunities to recover from slip-ups in what remains an exceedingly close race.
• Following a listless first debate, Obama was working with aides on more pointed and aggressive responses to Romney. The campaign's game plan is also to target Romney for what it sees as a willingness to shift his positions to make them more

(Continued on page 20)

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