Saturday,  October 13, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 88 • 51 of 58 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 50)

lights and its wings spanning the roadway.
• Over two days, it will trundle 12 miles at a top speed of 2 mph to its final destination -- the California Science Center where it will be the centerpiece of a new exhibit.
• After an initial bumpy ride and a brief delay, the shuttle pulled off a massive feat of parallel parking by backing into a shopping center parking lot for a layover as crowds cheered on.
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Romney: Biden 'doubling down on denial' in Libya attack, White House defends veep

• RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Broadening his attack on administration foreign policy, Mitt Romney accused Vice President Joe Biden on Friday of "doubling down on denial" in a dispute over security at a diplomatic post in Libya that was overrun by terrorists who killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.
• "The vice president directly contradicted the sworn testimony of State Department officials," the Republican presidential candidate said, eager to stoke a controversy that has flared periodically since the attack on Sept. 11 "... American citizens have a right to know just what's going on. And we're going to find out."
• President Barack Obama had no campaign appearances during the day, leaving it to White House press secretary Jay Carney to defend Biden's assertion in a campaign debate Thursday night that "we weren't told" of an official request for more security at the site.
• The spokesman rejected Romney's claim of a contradiction. Biden "was speaking directly for himself and for the president. He meant the White House," Carney said.
• With his accusation, Romney once again pushed foreign policy to the forefront of a campaign dominated for more than a year by the economy, which has been painfully slow to recover from the worst recession in more than a half century.
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Wave upon wave of wounded strain doctors at hospital in Syria's largest city of Aleppo

• ALEPPO, Syria (AP) -- The injured arrive at the hospital in taxis or in the back of pickup trucks, to the blare of car horns and shouts of "Help!"
• Sometimes, they are battle-hardened rebels with gaping wounds. Sometimes,

(Continued on page 52)

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