Saturday,  October 13, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 88 • 45 of 58 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 44)

water permit. That move came after staunch opposition against the dairy, mostly from residents in Hanson County.
• Today, we aren't taking sides. We understand that people get nervous about large development, and especially in their own backyards. And once those big projects are built, they aren't going anywhere.
• Neighbors have a right to be edgy.
• But both of these cases tend to show that future development of large agricultural operations may be in jeopardy, since county officials and rural residents alike are showing trends of fierce opposition.
• Today, our only question is this: If farmers, ranchers and rural developers cannot operate their businesses in the country and once appropriate rural areas, where can they do it?

Fire restrictions lifted on 3 Dakotas grasslands

• BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) -- The U.S. Forest Service has lifted fire restrictions on some national grasslands in the Dakotas.
• The restrictions were put in place in late August because of dry conditions that elevated the danger of wildfires. They affected the Little Missouri, Grand River and Cedar River national grasslands.
• The restrictions were lifted this week, but officials are urging people to use caution with fire even though cooler temperatures and recent moisture have reduced the fire risk.
• The Forest Service is planning prescribed burns on about 3,100 acres in the Sheyenne National Grasslands over the next several months. The agency uses fire as a management tool to reduce the threat of wildfires and improve wildlife habitat.

Ryan asked for federal help as he championed cuts
JACK GILLUM,Associated Press

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan is a fiscal conservative, champion of small government and critic of federal handouts. But as a congressman in Wisconsin, Ryan lobbied for tens of millions of dollars on behalf of his constituents for the kinds of largess he's now campaigning against, according to an Associated Press review of 8,900 pages of correspondence between Ryan's office and more than 70 executive branch agencies.
• For 12 years in the House, Ryan wrote to federal agencies supporting expansion

(Continued on page 46)

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