Tuesday,  October 9, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 84 • 5 of 24 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

to share in her bounty.  Beverly Patterson joined them for dinner.  Becky prepared a fabulous pork loin dinner with fresh baked buns, potatoes and squash from the garden and finished the visitors off with an apple crisp prepared with apples from her tree.  Several hours of visiting resulted following the meal and I believe everyone had a wonderful time.
• As I close this edition of the news I'd like to encourage you to be

sure and let me know if you've had visitors or taken a little vacation in the upcoming week.  It's nice to hear about all the fun visits you have and all the fascinating places you see so don't be shy.  Give me a call!  I guess, if all else fails you can tell me how many skunks you've seen in your yard lately.  I've seen one too many in the past few days.  Guess I'll have to give Annie Oakley alias Becky Wegleitner a call and maybe she can do a little hunting.  I was into dolls and she was into anything and everything else so it's no wonder the woman has guns, is it? She's a pretty good shot too.  Ask her about her adventures with the wood chucks sometime!  Until next time, I wish for you, a week filled with lots of happy surprised and gratefulness for the many blessings you enjoy each and every day!

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