Monday,  October 1, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 076 • 5 of 27 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

road rage at me! They were close enough that I could read their lips. They were explaining to me things about my lineage, certain body parts and something about my intelligence. They also shared some sign language they had learned. I was polite and just smiled.
• We are now offered senior driving refresher courses. Like many of you I never had a course. Dad just said "get in the pick-up, put it in low and wherever you go is where we will pick up rocks." They say we need to update our knowledge to decrease traffic violations. I don't know, I've been driving for almost fifty years and with my old, out of date brain I've never gotten a traffic ticket. I think the problem for some drivers is you can't update stupid. They say Boomers have age related slower reflexes and less flexibility that can make us dangerous drivers. I think our experience and wisdom can overcome that if we use it. My kids think I am a poor driver because I'm always driving over those bumps on the side of the interstate. I explain to them that I've paid a lot of taxes over the years and I have the right to use all of the road. Actually, I do it just to irritate them.  I am a little worried about my Boomer aged wife's driving. She is very petite and if she shrinks with age she is going to be eye level with the brake pedal. She actually is a very safe driver. I think it's because she is so polite. I've never heard her say a disparaging word in the car, unless she was wondering when I was going to stop to ask for directions but never to another driver and never any improper hand gestures. Well, there was that one time when she was driving and I told her that she reminded me of the lady in the song, "Little Old Lady from Pasadena", and then said "Go Granny Go".  
Boomer Babble - "Thoughts at Large" are written by the Boomer Babble Guys, Charles Doug and John with occasional help from friends.  The Boomer Babble radio show is broadcast on WNAX 570 Sunday evenings at 5:00.  Visit us at

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