Monday,  October 1, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 076 • 25 of 27 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 24)

• These days, he frequently wears an Ole Miss baseball hat in public. When the university's football team recently played the University of Texas in Oxford, Meredith was a guest in the chancellor's stadium skybox, and the crowd applauded when that was announced over the loudspeakers.
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An October free-for-fall: 3 days to go, baseball's playoff picture still totally scrambled

• The Texas Rangers are totally set for the playoffs, eager to break out the bats, balls and gloves for really big games.
• Maybe they should log on to MapQuest, and Travelocity, too.
• Because with three days left on the schedule, the postseason picture is still impossibly scrambled. An October free-for-fall, with not a single team yet certain of when, who and where it will play later this week.
• "If you had asked me before the season started, I would have expected that something would have been settled," New York Yankees manager Joe Girardi said Sunday. "It's really hard to believe and I think it's what baseball was kind of looking for. They love to see these races. It's good for the game."
• Not easy on the stomach, though.
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Believing in themselves when no one else did, Europeans pull off improbable Ryder Cup comeback

• MEDINAH, Ill. (AP) -- The scoreboard said 10-6 and just about everyone figured the Ryder Cup was over.
• Everyone, that is, but the Europeans.
• There was so much energy and excitement in Europe's team room Saturday night that Ian Poulter just knew they were on the verge of something special.
• "The atmosphere was like we had a two-point lead," Poulter said. "We're four points down. You're not going to turn around and say you're going to win, but we knew we had a little chance."
• A chance, and a belief in themselves, was all they needed.

(Continued on page 26)

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