Sunday,  September 30, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 075 • 26 of 31 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

• On Thursday, regional lawmakers voted to hold a referendum for Catalonia's seven million citizens to decide whether they want to break away from Spain. The Spanish government says that the referendum would be unconstitutional. And it's unclear if the "Yes" vote would win -- even in these restless times.
• But it looks more likely than ever that Catalonia may ask to go its own way.
• "I have a big Catalan flag on the balcony. I put it up a week before the demonstration on Sept. 11 and it is still hanging there," said Gemma Mondon, 46, a mother of two. "I think we would be better off if we can manage our money. I think we would do much better."
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2,200 hospitals face Medicare penalties averaging $125K for patients returning with problems

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- If you or an elderly relative have been hospitalized recently and noticed extra attention when the time came to be discharged, there's more to it than good customer service.
• Starting Monday, Medicare will fine hospitals that have too many patients readmitted within 30 days of discharge due to complications. The penalties are part of a broader push under President Barack Obama's health care law to improve quality while also trying to cut costs.
• About two-thirds of the hospitals serving Medicare patients, or some 2,200 facili

ties, will be hit with penalties averaging around $125,000 per facility this coming year, according to government estimates.
• Data to assess the penalties have been collected and crunched, and Medicare has shared the results with individual hospitals. Medicare plans to post details online later and people can look up how their community hospitals performed.
• It adds up to a new way of doing business for hospitals, and they have scrambled to prepare for well over a year. They are working on ways to improve communication with rehabilitation centers and doctors who follow patients after they're released, as well as connecting individually with patients.
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After clashes, plight of segregated Muslims is a challenge to Myanmar democracy hopes

• SITTWE, Myanmar (AP) -- There are no Muslim faithful in most of this crumbling

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