Monday,  September 24, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 069 • 4 of 24 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 3)

my 15-year old uses to test his fruit fly extermination methods.
• In the basement lies the evidence of my husband's attempt to build solar panels with our storm windows.  The results of his efforts were… inconclusive.  Now he has plans to build a solar dehydration unit with the now unsalvageable storm windows.
• If, while visiting us you were suddenly hit with the urge to extract some tomato DNA, you'd be in luck!  We have the required mentholated spirits on ice in our freezer awaiting just such an occasion.
• If someone ever brought a football into our home, it would probably get the same reception as one of the cups on my fridge would get in an art home:  The look Spock might give you if he thought something was… illogical.
Laura Snyder is a nationally syndicated columnist, author & speaker.  You can reach Laura at Or visit her website for more info.

Putney Ladies Aid

• Putney Ladies Aid resumed its fall meetings when Doris Alberts hosted the group at the Red Horse Cafι on Thursday, September 13th at 9:30 a.m.  Nine members were present. Doris read a passage about angels from her angel book for devotions followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison.
• Correspondence was shared from Gaylene Haber for her mother, Lorraine Anderson. She also sent some pictures which included Jean Lowary and George and Doris Alberts. Other business was routine. Gloria Pharis will entertain the group next at her home, Thursday, September 27th at 9:30 a.m. Annual reports will be given.
•  Doris also had the program and read several short stories.


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