Friday,  September 21, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 066 • 5 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

09/26, (b) Lifetouch Pictures at GES on 09/27 & MS/HS on 09/28, (c) Open Enrollment Numbers, (d) Principals' Reports
1. Executive Session . . . to discuss staffing issues.
• 2. Approve hiring Gail Kyar as para-professional at the elementary school - 6 hours/day (3 severe needs, 2 regular ed., & 1 RtI), M-F, @ $10/hour.
• 3. Approve hiring Whitney Daly as OST coordinator, (4 hours/day @ $11.60/hour), elementary severe needs para (1.75 hours/day @$10/hour), and RtI para (1.25 hours/day @ $10/hour) M-F, to begin October 1.
• 4. Adjust elementary para-professional work assignments & related payroll changes  . . . list will be provided on Monday night.
• 5. Approve 2012-2013 DISTRICT BUDGET with amendments and authorize business manager to file tax request with county auditor.
• 6. Declare items from elementary school surplus . . . list will be provided on Monday night.
7. Executive Session . . . to discuss personnel issues.
• 8. Other items, as may be appropriate or as deemed necessary.

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