Thursday,  September 20, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 065 • 29 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

former Solidarity activists, and they want to give Belarusians the same kind of Western help that proved crucial in toppling their former Soviet-backed regime.
• "It's emotional. It's a Polish thing to be anti-regime," said Tomasz Pisula, a Pole who heads Freedom and Democracy Foundation, a Warsaw-based group working for democratic change in Belarus.
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Starbucks turns up heat on market with 'Verismo' brewer starting at $199

• NEW YORK (AP) -- Starbucks Corp. is about to turn up the heat on the single-serve coffee market, and someone might get burned.
• The Seattle-based company says it will start selling its new single-serve brewer online this week for $199. It plans to start selling the machine in its ubiquitous cafes next month.
• The arrival of the Verismo, which was announced earlier this year, comes amid

intensifying competition in the rapidly growing market for single-serve brewers and the coffee pods they use.
• The market was pioneered by Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Inc., which enjoyed soaring sales after its acquisition of the Keurig brand machine in 2006. But this month, the company's patent on its K-cup technology expired, which prompted supermarkets to roll out store-brand versions of coffee pods that can be used in Keurig machines.
• Starbucks' decision to sell its own brewer comes just about a year after it struck a deal with Green Mountain to make coffee pods for Keurig machines.
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NFL's replacement officials adding new wrinkles to sports bets, changing Vegas casino lines

• Las Vegas casinos think this weekend's NFL games will be the highest-scoring ever thanks to the league's replacement officials.
• Oddsmakers say casinos are changing their expectations as interim referees add new variables to the game, changing its pace and the approaches taken by players and coaches.
• Casinos haven't fully changed lines yet because there have been only two weeks of games and referees might adjust how they call games based on weekly feedback from the league. But oddsmaker Mike Colbert of Cantor Gaming says home teams will deserve an extra half-point in their favor if games are called all year the way they were officiated in Week 2.

(Continued on page 30)

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