Sunday,  September 16, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 061 • 7 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 6)

Howard- Safe and Sound, Turner Webb- Michael Jordon, Tyra Leonhardt- Export Exchange, Jamesen Stange- Campine Chickens, Hannah Webb- Hunter Hayes. 
• Demonstrations were given by: Maddie and Devan Howard- how to make a picture board, Maryn Howard- how to clip a pig, Turner Webb- how to properly use a goose call, Ellie Harms- how to prepare for a cross country meet, Hannah Webb- how to make puppy chow. 
• Respectfully submitted by Maddie Howard, Secretary/Treasurer

Corps' Water Fee Proposal is an Unprecedented Power Grab

• The record flooding of last year is something that is still fresh in the minds of many South Dakotans. The snowpack and runoff led to high water levels in the region and forced the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to make water management decisions on the Missouri River that greatly impacted thousands of citizens along the river. The Corps' actions disrupted these families as they watched their homes flood, their businesses shutter, their roads wash-out, and their livelihoods put at risk. More than a year later, South Dakotans have worked to rebuild and repair what was lost in the flood, but the feelings of frustration and mismanagement remain.
•  That is why the most recent proposal by the Corps of Engineers has captured the attention of cities along the Missouri River who would again be negatively affected by a Corps of Engineers decision. Recently, the Corps proposed a change that would require users to enter into multiyear purchase contracts in order to access water in Missouri River reservoirs.
• When the Corps built the dams along the river after Congress passed the 1944 Flood Control Act, they flooded prime state and tribal land with the agreement that by doing so, residents would have access to water from the Missouri River for various purposes. This precedent highlights why water users and residents along the

(Continued on page 8)

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