Friday,  September 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 059 • 4 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 3)

Women's Night Out. It included cheese and wine tasting before a complete dinner with dessert was served. Hoffman was introduced by Mandy Boe.
Hoffman and her husband Charlie live on a cattle ranch near Long Lake. They have three children. She attended Eureka High School and Northern State University.
Her raffle ticket promotions and donations have earned $10,000 which she has donated to SD Cancer Research. 
When called she said she has received several e-mails of appreciation, from Groton people, on her speech and the positive comments she made. One comment said, "How you turned it into a life blessing." 
Hoffman said, " Failure is not in falling down; it is in not trying," and "You are a special person. You need to believe in yourself."  "There are put-down people and build up people." "Women take care of everyone else and we don't take care of ourselves." "Positive thoughts make a difference."

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