Friday,  September 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 059 • 23 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 22)

aides concede the former businessman may struggle to gain a political advantage should anti-American violence continue deep into the fall.
• Untested on the international stage and with limited foreign policy experience, Romney staked his entire rationale for his candidacy on the notion that he can fix the nation's dour economy given his decades of work in the private sector. He doubled down on that strategy when he chose as his running mate House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, a 42-year-old Wisconsin congressman with little international affairs experience.
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Fed goes big with bond-buying plan and is ready to do more as economy remains sluggish

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- No sooner did the Federal Reserve unveil a bold plan Thursday to juice the U.S. economy than it dangled the prospect of doing even more.
• Investors celebrated by sending stock prices jumping.
• Economists were less impressed. Many wondered how much the Fed's action would help.
• Chairman Ben Bernanke himself urged everyone to keep expectations in check.
• "I personally don't think that it's going to solve the problem," Bernanke said at a news conference. "But I do think it has enough force to help nudge the economy in the right direction."
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Salads, apples and whole-wheat new school lunch staples this year; students give mixed grades

• ROTTERDAM, N.Y. (AP) -- One student complains because his cafeteria no longer serves chicken nuggets. Another gripes that her school lunch just isn't filling. A third student says he's happy to eat an extra apple with his lunch, even as he's noshing on his own sub.
• Leaner, greener school lunches served under new federal standards are getting mixed grades from students piling more carrots, more apples and fewer fatty foods on their trays.
• "Now they're kind of forcing all the students to get the vegetables and fruit with their lunch, and they took out chicken nuggets this year, which I'm not too happy about," said Chris Cimino, a senior at Mohonasen High School in upstate New York.

(Continued on page 24)

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