Friday,  September 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 059 • 10 of 38 •  Other Editions

Hazy pyramid of light in east? False dawn.

• Late summer and early autumn present the best time of year to see the false dawn, also known as the zodiacal light. With the moon out of the morning sky for the next two weeks, this is your chance to catch the zodiacal light before dawn.
• Everything you need to know: zodiacal light or false dawn
• This light can be noticeable and easy to see from latitudes like those in the southern U.S. I've seen it many times from the latitude of southern Texas, sometimes while driving a lonely highway far from city lights, in the hour or so before true dawn begins to light the sky. In that case, the zodiacal light can resemble the lights of a city or town just over the horizon. Meanwhile, sky

• Zodiacal light seenfrom Paranal. Image Credit: Wikipedia Commons

watchers in the northern U.S. or Canada sometimes say, wistfully, that they've never seen it.
• September 2012 guide to the five visible planets
• You need a dark sky location to see the zodiacal light, someplace where city lights aren't obscuring the natural lights in the sky. The zodiacal light is a pyramid-shaped glow in the east before dawn. It's even "milkier" in appearance than the starlit trail of the summer Milky Way. It's most visible before dawn at this time of year because (as seen from the northern hemisphere) the ecliptic - or path of the sun, moon and planets - stands nearly straight up with respect to the eastern horizon before dawn now.

(Continued on page 11)

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