Tuesday,  September 11, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 056 • 65 of 81 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 64)

economy from slipping back into recession, but they have not stimulated healthy economic growth.
• Republicans and Democrats will have to find some common ground before the year ends to prevent the economy from falling off a "fiscal cliff." If they don't reach a budget deal, more than $600 billion in spending cuts and tax increases will start to kick in next year. The threat of the fiscal shock is meant to force Republicans and Democrats to compromise. Otherwise, the combination of spending cuts and tax increases probably would send the economy back into recession and drive unemployment back to 9 percent next year, the CBO estimates.

YouTube offers new iPhone app to fill looming void
MICHAEL LIEDTKE,AP Technology Writer

• SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- YouTube is being reprogrammed for the iPhone and iPad amid the latest fallout from the growing hostility between Google and Apple.
• The changes are being made because Google Inc. and Apple Inc. didn't renew a five-year licensing agreement that established YouTube's video service as one of the built-in applications in the operating system that runs the iPhone and iPad.
• YouTube is being bumped from the menu of pre-installed apps on the next version of Apple's mobile operating system, or iOS, which could be released as early as Wednesday when the latest iPhone is expected to be unveiled.
• Google is making a pre-emptive strike on Tuesday with the release of a revamped YouTube application. The app is designed to make it as easy as possible

for the tens of millions of iPhone and iPad owners to continue watching clips from the world's most popular video site.
• The new YouTube app will create more moneymaking opportunities for Google and video producers because it allows advertising to be shown with the clips. That's something Apple hasn't allowed on the pre-installed YouTube app. The ban on ads prevented many music videos and other widely watched clips from being shown in the iOS app because some copyright owners don't allow their content to be shown if there is no way for them to be paid.
• Removing the advertising limitations will mean users of the new iOS app can watch YouTube videos that already have been available on smartphones and tablet computers running on Google's Android software said, Francisco Varela, YouTube's global director of platform partnerships.
• "We are offering a better user experience to iPhone users," Varela said of the new YouTube app. "We will now have content parity on all our mobile platforms."

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