Monday,  September 10, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 055 • 39 of 47 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 38)

US opposes Jewish group's bid for penalty against Russia for withholding historical documents

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration is opposing a Jewish group's bid to have civil fines levied against Russia for failing to obey a court order to return its historic books and documents -- a dispute which has halted the loan of Russian art works for exhibit in the United States.
• In a recent court filing, the Justice Department argued that judicial sanctions against Russia in this case would be contrary to U.S. foreign policy interests and inconsistent with U.S. law.
• The Jewish group, Chabad-Lubavitch, based in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, has already convinced Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the U.S. District Court here that it has a valid claim to the tens of thousands of religious books and manuscripts, some up to 500 years old, which record the group's core teachings and traditions.
• Lamberth ruled the records are unlawfully possessed by the Russian State Library and the Russian military archive. And in 2010, he ordered the Russian government to turn them over to the U.S. embassy in Moscow or to the group's representative.
• Russia, which doesn't recognize the authority of the U.S. court, has refused. It says the collection is part of Russia's national heritage.
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US hands over formal control of Bagram prison to the Afghan government

• KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- U.S. officials handed over formal control of Afghanistan's only large-scale U.S.-run prison to Kabul on Monday, even as disagreements between the two countries over the Taliban and terror suspects held there marred the transfer.
• The handover ceremony took place at the prison next to a sprawling U.S. airfield in Bagram, just north of Kabul. President Hamid Karzai has hailed the transfer as a victory for Afghan sovereignty.
• Bagram, also known as the Parwan Detention Facility, has been the focus of controversy in the past but never had the notoriety of the prisons at Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib in Iraq.

(Continued on page 40)

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