Monday,  September 10, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 055 • 17 of 47 •  Other Editions

Sunflower Classic

Thirty couples participated in the Sunflower Golf Tournament on Sunday at the Olive Grove Golf Course.
Scott and Jackie Witlock won the tournament with a 67. Brad Larson won the putting contest. Jarod Fliehs and Scott Witlock won the longest putt contests and Rich Zimney and Deb Finnesand won the closest to the pin contests.

Championship Flight:
67 Scott and Jackie Witlock
69 Nick and Deb Finnesand
72 Brad and Dar Larson
72 Brad and Brenda Waage
72 Joel and Tina Guthmiller
73 Jake and Tiffany Unzen
74 Randy and Sue Stanley
75 Jan and Nancy Gilchrist
75 Sean and Vicki Jorgensen
78 Lorin and Julie Fliehs

First Flight:
79 Jarod and Kristi Fliehs
79 Ken and Lollie Dean
79 Walt and Helen Plummage
80 Rich and Tami Zimney
80 Lon and Diane McCormick
80 Roger Colestock & Sarah Biersbach
82 Rolfe Ludtke and Char Metz
82 Rod and Arlys Kluess
82 Terry Gilchrist and Sharon Zastrow
83 Ron Beldon and Julie Pigors

Jackie and Scott Witlock won the championship flight of the Sunflower Golf Tournament on Sunday. (Photo #953 by Char Telkamp)

Second Flight:
85 Lance Frohling & Camille Eikamp
84 Rachele and Kyle Moser
86 Tom and Edith Bertsch
86 Bob Wagner and Mel Eikamp
86 Steve and Betty Dunker
86 Craig and Michelle Mullenberg
87 Doug and Cindy Fritz
88 Pat and Vickie Kramp
91 Larry Frohling and Becky Wirkus
91 Steve and Lori Giedt

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