Wednesday,  September 5, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 052 • 4 of 38 •  Other Editions

Two golfers place at Redfield

• Two Groton golfers placed at the Redfield-Doland invitational held Tuesday in Redfield. Mason Madsen finished eighth with a score of 98 and Parker Rossow was 10th with a 99. Others golfing were Brody Sombke with a 103, Reilly Ell with a 116 and Carson Bunn with a 122.
• Milbank won the team title with a 373 followed by Sioux Valley with a 389, Mobridge had a 407, Groton a 416 and Redfield-Doland a 425.
• In the junior varsity division, Landon Marzahn finished eighth with a 118 and Sean Schuring shot a 137.

Listening for the Differences
(On Women's Issues)

• An incident sticks in my memory, which happened years ago as I tried to console a woman who was mourning over some loss.  I said, "I know how you feel."  She immediately turned cold and

replied with disgust, "How could you know how I feel?"  That was a lesson.
• How could I understand her spot unless, as they say, I've walked in her moccasins?  It is safe to say that no one knows exactly how the other person feels, and that goes double for men knowing how women feel.  How could I understand?  I'm a guy. 
• Let's talk about differences.  Women have many of the same medical conditions as men; however these same diseases can come out differently in women than in men, take heart pain for example.  Women can have some illnesses more frequently than men, like osteoporosis, and gallbladder disease.  And then there are some conditions, which are completely unique to women such as pregnancy and menstrual pain.  Women are not the same as men.
• But we are all human beings.  One half of all that I am came from my Mother who is all woman, I should add.  What's more, my world is surrounded by women, to include my practice partner (a nurse practitioner) and our nurse; the nurses at the hospital; the producer of this TV show; my Mom; wife; and daughter to mention a few.  I should know something about how a woman feels.
• And did you realize that fifty per cent of all medical students now graduating are women?  That's a good thing for several reasons, but maybe the best consequence

(Continued on page 5)

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