Tuesday,  September 4, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 051 • 6 of 37 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

vegetables, so we must assume it is 'you.'"
• Son:  "Leave me outta this!"
• Mom:  "*SIGH*  Say the sentence as if you were telling someone else to eat: 'You eat your fruits and vegetables at every meal.'"
• Son (logically):  "No, I don't."
• Mom (suspiciously):  "Are you paying attention?"
• Son:  "Yes."
• Mom (annoyed):  "No, you're not.  Go away."
• Son (with sudden insight):  "Don't you mean you go away?"
• Mom (excited):  "Exactly!  You is the subject!"
• Son (lost again):  "You mean, you are the subject."
• Mom:  "I mean you are not getting any dinner tonight!"
• Son:  "At least I don't have to eat any vegetables."
• Laura Snyder is a nationally syndicated columnist, author & speaker.  You can reach Laura at lsnyder@lauraonlife.com Or visit her website www.lauraonlife.com for more info.

Local retailers try to find their niche in
Internet-savvy world
By Heidi Marttila-Losure, Dakotafire Media
Reporting by Doug Card, Britton Journal, Garrick Moritz, Faulk County Record
And Paul Kosel, Groton Daily Independent

• Don Schumaker knows that Internet sales are taking some of his furniture business. He knows, because some of those shoppers start the process in his store.
• "I've had people come in and we measure a job for them," said Schumaker, owner of Schumaker Furniture in Britton, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary this fall. "Then they take samples out, take the numbers off samples, and order it online. It's becoming common practice in the industry and getting bigger."
• There is even a term for it now: "showrooming," when shoppers browse in brick-and-mortar stores and then slink off to buy items more cheaply online from e-tailers that don't have the overhead costs of a physical store. Smart phones have made the practice even more common, as customers can covertly comparison shop right in the store. 
• Schumaker added that many dealers are charging $50 to $100 to cover the time

(Continued on page 7)

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