Monday,  September 3, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 050 • 26 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

The other is voter apathy, especially among the young.
• Obama's pre-convention tour of battleground states has been heavy on college crowds, where he's implored supporters to register and vote by painting the choice in stark terms: It's his education tax credits versus Mitt Romney's tax breaks for the rich; his "Obamacare" versus "Romney doesn't care," his "forward" versus "same old."
• And when those crowds boo the references to Romney, Obama tells them to convert that negative energy into votes Election Day.
• Obama addresses a United Auto Workers Labor Day rally in Toledo on Monday before getting his first look at the aftermath of Hurricane Isaac in a stricken parish outside New Orleans. He's to meet emergency personnel who've been laboring

since the storm hit last week to restore power and tend thousands of evacuees from flooded lands.
• In Boulder, Colo., on Sunday, Obama warned a college crowd that "the other side is going to spend more money than we've ever seen in our lives, with an avalanche of attack ads and insults and making stuff up, just making stuff up."
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Rev. Moon, self-proclaimed messiah who held mass weddings, created business empire, dies at 92

• GAPYEONG, South Korea (AP) -- The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, best known for conducting mass weddings involving thousands of couples, was a self-proclaimed messiah, but he was at least as good at attracting dollars as he was at drawing converts.
• His Unification Church claims 3 million followers, though ex-members and critics put the number at no more than 100,000. There is no questioning the vastness of the business empire Moon created through his church: ventures in several countries from hospitals and newspapers to cars and sushi, and even professional sports teams and a ballet troupe.
• Moon died Monday at a church-owned hospital near his home in Gapyeong County, northeast of Seoul, two weeks after being hospitalized with pneumonia, Unification Church spokesman Ahn Ho-yeul told The Associated Press. Moon's wife and children were at his side, Ahn said. He was 92.
• Flags flew at half-staff Monday at a Unification Church in Seoul. Followers trickled into the building, some wiping away tears. One woman bowed and cried before

(Continued on page 27)

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