Sunday,  September 2, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 049 • 26 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

Romney casts Obama as failed coach, Obama says Republicans suited to era of black-and-white TV

• CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Republican Mitt Romney cast President Barack Obama as a failed coach of a struggling team as he sought to capitalize on momentum coming out of his party's convention. Obama dismissed the GOP gathering as an event suited to the era of black-and-white TV and promised to outline "a better path forward" at the upcoming Democratic convention where he'll be nominated for a second term.
• The two rivals campaigned Saturday across several battleground states expected to decide the outcome of the closely fought presidential contest. Obama was in Iowa before heading to Colorado, part of a three-day tour that will take him into his convention opening Tuesday in Charlotte, N.C.
• Romney spoke at rallies in Ohio and Florida before flying to his vacation home in New Hampshire for some time off. Campaign officials said the former Massachusetts governor would spend much of the Democrats' convention week doing debate preparation.
• At rallies in Cincinnati and Jacksonville, Fla., Romney channeled many voters' interest in the first weekend of the college football season.
• "I don't like the way the way the game is going under this president," Romney said, pointing to the high jobless rate and approximately 23 million people who are

unemployed or working part-time. "If there's a coach whose record is 0 and 23 million, you get rid of him and get someone new."
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Complex Medicare debate in Florida as boomers, younger voters weigh Obama, Romney choice

• WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) -- For Bruce Cargill, an 87-year-old retiree, Medicare is a "glorious program" that, along with Social Security, keeps millions of older Americans out of poverty.
• But he's also quick to note that he forks out premiums and copays: "It's government insurance. But it's insurance."
• Mike Manning, 64, accuses President Barack Obama of "cutting Medicare" through the federal health care overhaul "then lying about it." He also says the country is headed for fiscal ruin unless it curtails spending.

(Continued on page 27)

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