Saturday,  September 1, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 048 • 29 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

Double suicide attack near US base in eastern Afghanistan kills 12 people

• KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) -- Two suicide attackers, one driving a fuel tanker, blew themselves up near a U.S. base in eastern Afghanistan on Saturday, killing at least 12 people, officials said.
• The attack around dawn in the town of Sayed Abad in Wardak province, about 70 kilometers (40 miles) from Kabul, served as a reminder that even after a decade of fighting, tens of thousands of U.S. and foreign troops are still engaged in a war that shows no signs of slowing down despite the start of a withdrawal of coalition forces.
• The U.S.-led NATO coalition said that no American or coalition troops were killed

in the blasts. It confirmed that a number of troops were wounded, but did not say how many, in accordance with coalition policy.
• Shahidullah Shadid, a spokesman for the Wardak provincial governor, said one suicide bomber detonated a vest rigged with explosives outside a compound housing the district governor's office as well as local police and Afghan army headquarters. A second bomber driving a fuel tanker detonated his bomb on a road separating the compound from the base.
• Shadid said the dead included eight civilians and four Afghan police.
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Syrian troops shell Damascus neighborhoods after clashes with rebels, activist say

• BEIRUT (AP) -- Syrian activists say government troops are shelling neighborhoods in Damascus after overnight clashes with rebel fighters.
• The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says the bombardment of the southern neighborhood of Tadamon early Saturday followed street fighting with rebels there.
• Another activist group, the Local Coordination Committees, says troops also shelled the nearby neighborhood of Hajar Aswad.
• Syrian regime forces have been able to recapture most areas of the capital that rebels seized in a July offensive.
• But the opposition fighters continue to stage attacks using hit-and-run tactics in

(Continued on page 30)

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