Saturday,  September 1, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 048 • 25 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 24)

AP News in Brief
Obama, Romney courting battleground states ahead of Democratic convention

• CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- President Barack Obama is embarking on a four-day march through battleground states and the storm-battered Gulf Coast in the lead-up to his party's convention as he seeks to blunt any momentum picked up by Republican rival Mitt Romney.
• As his party's faithful began streaming to Charlotte, N.C. for next week's convention, Obama was returning to Iowa on Saturday. For his part, Romney looked to capitalize on a newly energized Republican Party fresh from its convention in Tampa, Fla., with a rally in Cincinnati before joining running mate Paul Ryan later in the day in Jacksonville, Fla.
• Both campaigns were crisscrossing the country as the race entered September, each day adding to the sense of urgency in a presidential contest that has remained tight since Romney sewed up the nomination in April. Both campaigns recognize that undecided elements of the electorate, including those in about eight key states, will begin to fully assess their options through the conventions and the upcoming debates in the weeks ahead.
• "Hold us accountable. Listen to what we have to say," Romney said in a post-convention rally in Lakeland, Fla., on Friday. "I plan on winning in Florida. We love

this country and we're taking it back."
• Obama's run-up to the convention will take him through the battleground states of Iowa, Colorado, Ohio and Virginia, four states that he carried in 2008 but remain at the top of Romney's wish list. He was spending Saturday in suburban Des Moines and Sioux City, Iowa, before heading to Colorado for a Sunday event with college students at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
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In sales and court, it's good to have the last word. But does GOP have Obama on the defensive?

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- On the opening day of the Republican National Convention, party Chairman Reince Priebus said the American people "need to prosecute the president on what he promised and what he delivered." And this past week in

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