Saturday,  September 1, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 048 • 2 of 33 •  Other Editions

Sisseton edges Groton by three

• Groton outscored Sisseton, 13-12, in the fourth quarter, but it was the safety in the second quarter that put Groton on the short end. Sisseton won, 18-15, in a game played at Doney Field in Groton.
• Groton was in Sisseton territory in the middle of the first quarter, but the Tigers fumbled the ball and the Redmen were on their own 25 yard line. Two plays later, Trevor Archer dashed 76 yards to score. The PAT attempt failed and it was 6-0 with 2:25 left in the first

Darrin Peterson gained nine yards before being brought down by Toby Carda. (Photo #840 by Paul Kosel)

• "Our defense struggled tonight," said Coach Shaun Wanner. "We missed a lot of tackles."
• The Tigers were on a scoring drive of their own at the end of the first quarter into the second quarter. On third and seven at the Sisseton 15 yard line, Jalin Cordell would intercept the ball at the one-yard line. On the second play, Dalton Locke would tackle Darin Peterson for a safety to give Groton two points. It was now 6-2.
• Groton had another scoring opportunity in the second quarter, pushing the ball down to the Sisseton 13 yard line.
• In the third quarter, Groton had the ball for less than four of the 12 minutes. The Redmen would start a touchdown drive with 1:10 left in the third quarter, starting at the Groton 26 yard line. On the fourth play of the drive, the first play of the fourth quarter, Jordan Cornelius would score on a 16 yard pass from Darin Peterson. The two point PAT conversion failed and it was a 12-2.
• Sisseton got the ball right back as Groton fumbled the kickoff at the Tiger 41 yard line. Sisseton would score in six plays when Peterson scored on a four yard run.

(Continued on page 3)

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