Friday,  August 31, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 047 • 34 of 48 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 33)

dollars in immediate infrastructure needs, such as road building and repair, utilities and housing.
• "I have not yet come across something that does not need to be expanded," he told lawmakers.
• Koeser said leaders in the region will be aggressive in asking for help when the Legislature convenes in January. The entire state is sharing in the billions of dollars in new wealth, but western North Dakota is paying the price, the mayor said.
• "We believe the state benefits and that it's a state resource," he said.
• Bismarck Rep. Karen Karls said she was sympathetic to the region's plea and hoped others would be, too, "especially since it is contributing so much to the kitty."
• Most of the lawmakers invited on the tour were from cities well outside the oil patch. Tioga Rep. David Rust, whose district is near the oil epicenter, said he hoped the tour would be an eye-opener.
• "In a lot of places in North Dakota not much has changed, and some areas experience outmigration," he said. "Here, you're looking at an explosion of activity and an influx of people."
• Fargo Rep. Ron Guggisberg said the economic impact is being felt across North Dakota.
• "We would not have the opportunity we do if it weren't for the economy up here," Guggisberg said. "Other states are looking at where they have to make cuts. We're looking at what our investments are going to be."
• South Dakota Rep. Betty Olson of Prairie City said the boom has bled into her

state in the form of increased business and traffic, as semis pass through en route to the oil fields.
• This was Olson's first visit to western North Dakota in years. She said her son and a granddaughter both have landed jobs in North Dakota's oil patch.
• Olson also said she was impressed by North Dakota's economic windfall, though she didn't envy everything.
• "The traffic up here scares grandma to death," she said.

Attorney: Payback chance minuscule in Ponzi scheme
DIRK LAMMERS,Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A South Dakota attorney who won a multimillion-dollar civil judgment against a foreign currency trader accused of defrauding hundreds of investors in a Ponzi scheme says there's "minuscule" chance that investors will get any of their money back.

(Continued on page 35)

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