Friday,  August 31, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 047 • 29 of 48 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

had one each for North Dakota, which rolled up a school-record 653 yards of total offense and held the Hardrockers, a Division II program, to 142.
• Hanson and Hendrickson split time at quarterback, and both were nearly perfect. Hanson was 13 of 14 for 188 yards passing before leaving with an injury in the second quarter, and Hendrickson had 95 yards on 5-of-6 passing.
• Hanson opened the scoring in the first quarter with touchdown passes to Seth Wisthoff and Jameer Jackson. North Dakota kept pouring it on in the second, as Sutton scored twice and Hendrickson hit Greg Hardin and Blair Townsend for touchdowns.

Officials break ground for new events center

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- The city of Sioux Falls has held a ground-breaking ceremony for the new events center.
• Hundreds of people gathered to watch as city leaders officially broke ground for the Denny Sanford PREMIER Center Thursday afternoon.
• Construction on the $115 million project started in July.

Drought-weary farmers await Isaac's remnants
JIM SUHR,AP Business Writer

• ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Indiana farmer John Kolb normally would welcome storms that could provide his crops with badly needed water in this summer of drought. Instead, he and other Corn Belt farmers are nervously watching the forecast as Hurricane Isaac's remnants slog their direction, concerned they could end up getting too much of a good thing.
• The reason for their worry: Strong winds could topple corn stalks already severely weakened by the nation's worst drought in two generations, and a possible deluge could muddy the fields and slow bringing in whatever crop is still salvageable.
• "We could really use the moisture, but I don't want wind," Kolb, 41, said from the 2,000 acres of corn and soybeans he farms with his dad and uncle in southeastern Indiana's Franklin County and the adjacent Butler County in Ohio. "The corn is just so weak. It's been so dry that it kind of cannibalized itself. It fed off itself to try to stay alive and it wouldn't take a whole lot to blow it down.
• "That would make it a tangled mess, and that's pretty hard to harvest."
• Isaac has lost strength since coming ashore late Tuesday as a Category 1 hurri

(Continued on page 30)

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