Wednesday,  August 29, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 045 • 23 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 22)

want to relish," Crist said. "I want to serve this team and do everything I can for this team."
• This season does not come without pressure, though. Crist has yet to finish a collegiate season without an injury, and after graduating in December with a degree in management-consulting, this season represents what could be the lasting memory of his college experience.
• "This being my last year, no matter what, I think that you've got a different sense of urgency," Crist said. "You realize that this is all you have left. You cherish this time."
• Weis has likened his connection with Crist to that of his own son, and his dedica

tion to Crist's success is telling of their relationship. Weis want the Jayhawks to be successful not only for the school or himself, but also for his quarterback.
• "This could be a wonderful story and I'd like to be writing it," Weis said. "I'm a very, very big fan of the young man."

Flags to fly at half-staff Friday for astronaut

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Gov. Dennis Daugaard has asked that all flags be flown at half-staff in South Dakota on Friday in honor of former astronaut Neil Armstrong.
• Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969. He died on Saturday. He was 82.
• Daugaard says he's asking all flags to be at half-staff from 8 a.m. to sunset at the request of President Obama.

Displaced families move into FEMA trailers

• PINE RIDGE, S.D. (AP) -- The Oglala Sioux Tribe says two families displaced by a rodent-borne virus in their homes have been moved into new trailers.
• Andre Janis with the tribe's Home Improvement Program says in a news release that the families recently moved into the new trailers following the discovery of the hantavirus at their old trailers in June. A young tribal member died when she contacted the illness, which was the first known case of hantavirus on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
• The tribe says the FEMA trailers were transported from Minot, N.D. The families had been staying at the tribe's Prairie Wind Casino hotel while they waited for the trailers.

(Continued on page 24)

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