Saturday,  August 25, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 042 • 29 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

once were colleagues.
• Police said Johnson hid behind a car and then killed Ercolino with five gunshots as he arrived for work. Johnson then was shot by two police officers who confronted him on a busy sidewalk.
• Security camera footage showed the officers had only an instant to react when Johnson suddenly turned as they approached and pointed his gun at them, his arm cocked as if to fire.
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Romney turns to Ohio after string of distractions that include questioning Obama's birth place

• COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- Mitt Romney and running mate Paul Ryan look to shrug off the latest in a series of unwanted distractions when they face Ohio voters as the Republican presidential ticket for the first time.
• The two men are appearing at a Columbus-area rally Saturday morning, less than 24 hours after Romney raised the discredited rumor that President Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States. The comment, and his efforts to explain it, overshadowed Romney's economic message as he campaigned near his Michigan birthplace on Friday.
• The Ohio rally is expected to be Romney's final public appearance of the weekend ahead of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., where the former Massachusetts governor will formally accept the presidential nomination.
• While GOP officials suggest they have momentum on their side heading into the crucial period, Romney and his party have faced tough questions in recent weeks on Medicare and abortion.
• Now his joking reference to the president's birth certificate links him to the so-called birther movement and a wing of his party -- a combined 25 percent in an April Pew Research Center poll -- that says it either isn't sure or doesn't believe Obama was born in the United States.
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Tropical Storm Isaac closes in on vulnerable Haiti, but unlikely to strike as hurricane

• PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) -- Tropical Storm Isaac bore down on Haiti's southern peninsula early Saturday, threatening a city prone to flooding and dousing other areas of the poor nation still trying to recover from the terrible 2010 earth

(Continued on page 30)

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