Saturday,  August 25, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 042 • 26 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

get bigger and the state's population will continue to get older.
• "Half of South Dakota is in six counties," Goss said, "and half of South Dakota is in its 60s."
• But does it have to stay that way? Do the trends of the last several decades have to be repeated for the coming decades? That depends on how you approach the situation.
• The planning committee was presented with six topics to consider during a recent meeting. They included the daily operations of the Legislature and its professional staff; economic development; education; health care; corrections; and transportation, with a specific focus on driver licensing. Sen. Bob Gray, R-Pierre, had a different idea and suggested population-related studies instead.
• "If we're going to have it, let's look forward," he said.
• We think Sen. Gray is on the right track. While we realize it's important for the Legislature to plan ahead for issues that affect its operation and the demands on the state, it's also important to look at where our state is heading and what that means. One of the strengths of South Dakota throughout its history has been its diversity. The mixture of farms and retail business, rural and urban areas, big towns and small is a part of what has helped make South Dakota special. It provides a choice of different lifestyles and opportunities that people can choose from to best suit their needs and wishes.
• We realize it's not possible to turn back the clock to the way things were 50 or 60 years ago, but we can still preserve that balance by making sure our rural heritage does not continue to dwindle with no hope for the future. We need to provide?

opportunities that are attractive to young people that make them want to either stay here or move here to work and raise their families. The best way to do that is to find new ways to make rural South Dakota, and the state as a whole, an attractive choice for businesses, young people and opportunities for the future. That's how we can reverse the trend of half our state's residents living in just six of our 66 counties and half of our population being in their 60s and beyond.
• The Legislature's planning committee has a chance to get the ball rolling in that direction.?We hope their efforts help chart a new path for South Dakota.

(Continued on page 27)

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