Sunday,  August 19, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 036• 33 of 34 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 32)

• In 1960, a tribunal in Moscow convicted American U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers of espionage. (Although sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment, Powers was returned to the United States in 1962 as part of a prisoner exchange.)
• In 1976, President Gerald R. Ford won the Republican presidential nomination at the party's convention in Kansas City.
• In 1980, 301 people aboard a Saudi Arabian L-1011 died as the jetliner made a fiery emergency return to the Riyadh airport.
• In 1982, Soviet cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya (sah-VEETS'-kah-yah) became the second woman to be launched into space.
• In 1991, Soviet hard-liners made the stunning announcement that President Mikhail S. Gorbachev had been removed from power. (The coup attempt collapsed two days later.)

Ten years ago: A Russian military helicopter crashed after being shot down by rebels in Chechnya, killing 127 people. An ailing and aging John Paul II bid a tearful farewell as he concluded a four-day visit to the Krakow region of Poland (it turned out to be his last visit to his homeland).
Five years ago: Hurricane Dean, which had already killed eight people on its destructive march across the Caribbean, pummeled Jamaica with gusting winds and torrential rains as a Category 4 storm. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner paid an unannounced and highly symbolic visit to Baghdad -- the first by a senior French official since the war started. Elvira Arellano (el-VEE'-ruh ah-ray-AH'-noh),

an illegal immigrant who'd taken refuge in a Chicago church to avoid being separated from her U.S.-born son, was deported to Mexico.
One year ago: Three men -- Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin and Jesse Misskelley -- who'd spent nearly two decades in prison for the nightmarish slayings of three Cub Scouts in Arkansas, went free after being permitted to plead guilty to murder in exchange for time served. (The so-called West Memphis Three continue to maintain their innocence.) Kentucky beat Pennsylvania 1-0 to win the Little League World Series at South Williamsport, Pa. Danell Leyva beat two-time defending champion Jonathan Horton for his first title at the U.S. gymnastics championships in St. Paul, Minn.

• Today's Birthdays:
Actor L.Q. Jones is 85. Actress Debra Paget is 79. USTA Eastern Tennis Hall of Famer Renee Richards is 78. Former MLB All-Star Bobby Richardson is 77. Actress Diana Muldaur is 74. Rock musician Ginger Baker (Cream, Blind Faith) is 73. Singer Johnny Nash is 72. Actress Jill St. John is 72. Ac

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