Friday,  August 17, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 0334• 5 of 39 •  Other Editions

City Council Meeting
August 20, 2012
Groton Community Center - 7pm

2) Minutes
3) Bills
4) 7pm Safe Route To Schools Public Hearing
5) Request for Fireworks Permission- School -Sept 21
6) 7:30pm Roger Rix - West Ditch Drainage Project
7) Authorize Mayor to sign 30 yr WAPA Contract
8) Electric Substation Transformer Lease/Purchase Resolution
9) Change Meeting Date to Sept 4 - Due to Labor Day
10) SDML Conference - Pierre - Oct 3-5
11) Park Safety Workshop - Sioux Falls - Aug 29
12) Introduce 2013 Budget Proposal
And Any Other Business that may come before the Council

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