Friday,  August 17, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 0334• 34 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 33)

Obama's campaign and Democratic National Committee raised $75 million for the month.
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Official says South Africa police killed more than 30 attacking miners in Lonmin PLC strike

• JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- South African police officers killed more than 30 miners who charged them at a Lonmin PLC platinum mine, authorities said Friday, as a national newspaper warned that a time bomb ticking over poor South Africans has exploded.
• Thursday's shootings are one of the worst in South Africa since the end of the apartheid era, and came as a rift deepens between the country's governing African National Congress and an impoverished electorate confronting massive unemployment and growing poverty and inequality.
• They "awaken us to the reality of the time bomb that has stopped ticking -- it has exploded," The Sowetan newspaper said in an editorial. "Africans are pitted against each other ... fighting for a bigger slice of the mineral wealth of the country. In the end the war claims the very poor African -- again."
• Police ministry spokesman Zweli Mnisi told The Associated Press on Friday that more than 30 people were killed on Thursday in the police volleys of gunfire during the strike, now a week old. The Star, a Johannesburg newspaper, said another 86 people were wounded. People were gathering at hospitals in the area, hoping to find missing family members among the wounded.
• Makhosi Mbongane, a 32-year-old winch operator, said mine managers should have come to the workers rather than send police. Strikers were demanding salary raises from $625 to $
1,563. Mbongane vowed that he was not going back to work and would not allow anyone else to do so either.
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With Assange asylum decision, Ecuador's president seeks to stake claim to moral high ground

• LIMA, Peru (AP) -- Rafael Correa is a committed leftist and former lay missionary whose first run at elected office was his successful 2006 election as Ecuador's president.
• He is also a U.S.- and European-educated economist who tempers his trademark impulsiveness with high calculation. His decision to grant WikiLeaks founder

(Continued on page 35)

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