Wednesday,  August 15, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 032 • 12 of 26 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 11)

the wind turbines, towers, blades, gears and generators installed at U.S. wind farms last year come from domestic manufacturers, doubling from 35 percent in 2005.
• Aberdeen's Molded Fiberglass and Knight and Carver in Howard are two South Dakota-based turbine blade manufacturers.

Jury selection starts in SD rape trial

• HURON, S.D. (AP) -- Jury selection starts Wednesday in the trial of a South Dakota bar owner accused of raping a 12-year-old girl and two 14-year-olds after serving them booze.
• Prosecutors allege 35-year-old Werner Fajardo (fa-HAHR'-doh) provided alcohol to the three girls at his El Cuervo bar in Huron and assaulted them. He's pleaded not

• Fajardo's defense lawyer had argued for a change of venue, saying she was concerned about potential jurors' views on race. But Judge Jon Erickson denied the motion to move the trial.
• Erickson also ruled that news organizations will not be able to use TV cameras or audio recording devices in the courtroom during the trial.

Rule allowing sale of 85-octane gasoline in limbo
CHET BROKAW,Associated Press

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The fate of a proposed rule allowing the sale of 85-octane gasoline in western South Dakota was left in limbo Tuesday when a state legislative committee could not gather enough votes to approve it or block it.
• The Legislature's Rules Review Committee, which has the final say on rules passed by state agencies, reached an impasse after a series of tie votes on the issue. The panel then deferred further debate on the octane rule until its next meeting on Sept. 18.
• During an investigation into allegations some stations were selling 85-octane fuel mislabeled as higher octane gasoline, the state Public Safety Department earlier this year discovered that state law technically prohibits the sale of 85-octane gasoline. Most car manufacturers recommend that gasoline with a minimum octane rating of 87 be used in vehicles.
• The Public Safety Department, with the backing of Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard, passed emergency rules making 85-octane gasoline legal anywhere in South

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