Tuesday,  August 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 031 • 35 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 34)

• In an Aug. 8 notice, the commission said that Penn State remains accredited while "on warning" but it wants a monitoring report submitted by the end of next month detailing steps taken to ensure full compliance with governmental requirements, that the university's mission is being carried out, that the commission will be fully informed and that Penn State is complying with standards on leadership and governance as well as integrity.
• The commission also wants the report to address the university's ability to bear financial obligations stemming from "the investigation and related settlements, etc." It said "a small team visit" will be made, a standard practice "to verify institutional status and progress."
• Penn State officials on Monday expressed confidence that they would be able to address all concerns expressed by the commission.
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For all the hype, vice presidential picks rarely end up deciding race for the White House

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- It happens every four years in the dog days of summer: The presidential candidate -- both of them, in some years -- picks a running mate.
• There's the buildup, the rabid speculation about who's being considered, then the all-important rollout, sending the media and the political world into a frenzy.
• As Mitt Romney and Rep. Paul Ryan have undoubtedly learned, there are plenty

of boxes to check.
• Will the vice presidential pick give the ticket geographic diversity? Help the candidate appeal to blue-collar voters? Women? Minorities? How about foreign policy experience, legislative knowhow, private-sector skills?
• Will any of it make a difference?
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TransUnion: Late payment rate on US credit cards edges higher in Q2, but near 18-year-low

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Americans are carrying more credit card debt than a year ago, yet the late-payment rate for card holders remains near an 18-year low, an analysis of consumer-credit data shows.
• The average credit card debt per borrower in the U.S. grew about 6 percent in the second quarter from a year earlier, credit reporting agency TransUnion said

(Continued on page 36)

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