Tuesday,  August 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 031 • 24 of 38 •  Other Editions

Expansion of Corn Palace may mean City Hall move

• MITCHELL, S.D. (AP) -- The quest to provide more room for tourists at Mitchell's Corn Palace may result in City Hall being moved elsewhere.
• City Hall is connected to the Corn Palace, and Mitchell Mayor Ken Tracy says it could be turned into space for a museum, a gift shop, a theater and exhibits.
• Mitchell city councilors are drafting a new budget, and a decision on whether to move could come within a few weeks.
• The Mitchell Technical Institute has offered the city space in a campus building. The needed renovations would cost about $1.2 million.
• Another option is a new building closer to downtown Mitchell. Tracy tells KELO-TV (http://bit.ly/TBHPN0 ) that option would cost at least $3 million, and that's not counting the cost of buying the land.

Sturgis bikers gone, job of trash cleanup begins

• STURGIS, S.D. (AP) -- The annual Sturgis motorcycle rally is over, but the job of cleaning up the trash left behind still has a few days to run.

• Sturgis city sanitation superintendent J.R. Johnson says there's an extra emphasis on recycling this year. He says city workers have already recycled about 24 tons of cardboard.
• Public works director Rick Bush says the trash that's collected will be weighed, and that will give officials a good estimate of how many people came to the Sturgis rally this year.
• Observation towers and roadblocks that were put up for the rally also are being taken down.

(Continued on page 25)

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