Monday,  August 13, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 030 • 36 of 40 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 35)

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EYES ON LONDON: London Olympics close with pomp and pop, eyes turn to Rio

• LONDON (AP) -- Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details of the games to you:
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• As the London Olympics closed, the next host, Rio de Janeiro, was set to kick off four years of preparations for games that some see as Brazil's entrance onto the world stage.
• Many are bracing for a rocky ride as Rio -- a laid-back beach city not known for its efficiency or punctuality -- rushes to build four main Olympic sites and undertake

a massive infrastructure overhaul.
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Golden Games: US wins the most medals, and the most gold, at London Olympics

• LONDON (AP) -- Red, white and blue was everywhere in London.
• For the Americans -- and for the British, too.
• The most medals, and the most gold medals. That's what the U.S. Olympic Team wanted, and it's what they delivered. As for the home team? Riding the wave of home-field advantage, the British put together their best Olympic showing in over a century.
• The competition is over. The U.S. was best, but the success stories from London truly spanned the globe.
• "I think these games were absolutely fabulous," International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge said.
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With pop, performance and pride, London extinguishes Olympic flame and passes the torch to Rio

• LONDON (AP) -- And now, on to Rio!
• London brought the curtain down on a hugely entertaining Olympics with a sen

(Continued on page 37)

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