Sunday,  August 12, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 029 • 29 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 28)

AP News in Brief
Romney, Ryan cast themselves as GOP turnaround artists as Democrats pounce; Obama raises cash

• CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- Game on.
• As sprint to the November election gets under way, Mitt Romney and his running mate, Paul Ryan, are pitching themselves as "America's Comeback Team," Republican turnaround artists willing to take on tough decisions facing the economy, entitle

ment programs and the role of government.
• Countering, President Barack Obama and his allies assert that adding the conservative Wisconsin congressman to the Republican ticket creates a sharp choice for voters on the future of the nation's tax system and safety-net programs, such as Medicare and Social Security.
• Romney's selection of Ryan as his vice presidential running mate this weekend jolted the presidential contest and set the contours for the fall campaign: Romney as a proponent of a friendlier business climate seeking to revitalize the economy and rein in federal spending while Obama seeks to cast himself as a defender of middle-class families and federal spending on health care, retirement pensions and education.
• Within minutes of Ryan claiming a spot on the ticket, conservatives celebrated and Democrats pounced.
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A trek through the woods, a secret trip to New England -- and a running mate for Romney

• NORFOLK, Va. (AP) -- After Mitt Romney decided on a running mate, Paul Ryan's carefully planned transition from congressman to vice presidential candidate began -- in deep secret.
• Almost a week ago, Ryan snuck through Chicago's O'Hare airport in a baseball cap and sunglasses and flew to New England. A Romney adviser's 19-year-old son picked up Ryan and drove him to a private meeting in his parents' dining room where the deal was sealed.
• By Friday afternoon, Ryan was cutting through the Wisconsin woods behind his

(Continued on page 30)

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