Saturday,  August 11, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 028 • 27 of 46 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 26)

Yankton Area Arts tells KDLT that the board is a good way to open up a dialogue among people in the community who might not otherwise communicate.
• The blackboard will be up for at least 30 days.

SD town of Britton chosen 'Capital for a Day'

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- The northeastern South Dakota town of Britton will be the state's "Capital for a Day" in October.
• Gov. Dennis Daugaard said Friday that Britton had been chosen to host the event on Oct. 3.
• The governor and a group of state officials plan to tour the community and meet with citizens, business and community leaders.

• Britton has about 4,600 people. It is the county seat of Marshall County.
• Mayor David Kleinberg says the town is excited about the chance to be South Dakota's Capital for a Day.

World's best jugglers compete in South Dakota
KRISTI EATON,Associated Press

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- Hannah Baran learned to juggle like children learn to do most things in today's technology-driven world: online.
• Bored over winter break last year, the 12-year-old began watching YouTube tutorials about juggling and started practicing an hour a day. She mastered juggling with three balls and then with rings and clubs before moving on to more intricate skills.
• This week, Baran was crowned the World Juggling Federation's international champion in the beginner's division.
• "Some of the tricks look really cool, even though they aren't that difficult to do. I like the illusion of them," said Baran, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, minutes after she was named champion of her division.
• Baran joined jugglers from around the world in South Dakota's largest city this week for the competition that's often referred to as the Olympics of juggling.
• But don't look for carnival knives, blazing torches or clowns riding unicycles at this event. The competition is about pure, unadulterated juggling using just three props: balls, clubs and rings.
• Fancy uniforms are banned. Technical routines are mandatory, and competitors are scored on a range of events that tests their agility, endurance, technique and co

(Continued on page 28)

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