Tuesday,  August 7, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 024 • 5 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)

available for the golf course. It will cost around $2,000.
• The council will apply for a playground equipment grant. It is a 50:50 matching grant up to $25,000.
• A use agreement will be drafted for the school to use the city's soccer complex. It was agreed that the school should pay for half of the upkeep expenses and must also provide proof of insurance.
• Proposed street projects up through 2017 were reviewed. The proposed street project for next year is Ninth Avenue from Third STreet to Sixth Street and Eighth Avenue from Fourth Street to Sixth Street. Also included in the proposal are the following areas which will also need curb and gutter: Fifth Street between Ninth Avenue and Eighth Avenue and between Sixth Avenue and Fifth Avenue, and Fifth Avenue between Fourth Street and Sixth Street.
• The proposed 2014-17 street project is for doing the west side of Groton.

What are you doing with your cans?

Rick Carlson is pictured here hauling over several bags of aluminum cans to the can bank at the city shop. The proceeds are used for the operation of the pool.

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