Tuesday,  August 7, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 024 • 4 of 32 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 3)

• Mayor Roy Olson congratulated the Legion team for winning the state title and to the Teener team for their berth in the state tournament this weekend in Tabor.
• Arlys Doeden of the Groton Community Transit came before the council to make a pitch for some dollars for the program. The transit has undergone many changes in the past year and she also mentioned that some expenses will increase as she and her husband, Doug, start working their way into retirement.
• According to Doeden, the transit has made Groton very appealing to its citizens and to people who are considering making the move to Groton. She said that a second handicapped accessible van is in the works for next year. Medical runs to Aberdeen have been very beneficial to the senior citizens in Groton, according to Doeden. She said that any amount that the city could provide to the program would be greatly appreciated. The council will take it under advisement at budget time.
• No action was taken on a request to allow pet burials at the Groton Union Cemetery. A survey showed that most do not allow pet burials. No action means the request was denied.

Arlys Doeden came before the Groton City Council Monday night for a request of funds for the Groton Community Transit.

• There are a few places that have not responded to the city's request to clean up the property. The city will follow through with the next step of either a citation or the city will come in and clean it up with the cost being put against the property.
• Fall clean-up week will be September 10-14 with free hauling being provided by the city.
• A letter from Northwestern Energy was related to the council. There is a reduction in the wheeling fee. "We'll take it," said Mayor Roy Olson.
• Utility deposits will be raised from $100 to $250.
• The council forgave a bill for the Party in the Pasture to set poles for $150.
• The plat for Cooper's First Subdivision was approved. This is for the apartments along East Second Avenue, just off of Broadway.
• The council granted the okay to drill three test holes to see if surface water is

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