Sunday,  August 5, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 022 • 11 of 43 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 10)

top of the second inning to jump out to a 6-0 lead.
• In that inning, Jackson Doeden got on base with a walk. Nick Dalchow hit a single to score Doeden. Alec Oleson hit a double to score Dalchow. Drew Planteen was hit by the pitch. Parker Rossow hit a single. A balk scores Oleson. Spencer Knecht hit a single to score Planteen. Kasey Kurtz hit a sacrifice to score Rossow. Mason Madsen hit one to deep right field that hit the bottom of the fence for a stand up triple to score Knecht.
• Groton's next rally came in the top of the third inning when Groton scored seven runs on four hits and there were two errors.
• The summary is as follows: Nick Dalchow hits a single. Logan Lane hits a single. Alec Voss hits a sacrifice to score Dalchow. Drew Planteen is hit by the pitch. Parker Rossow gets on base via an error to load the bases. Spencer Knecht hits a single to score Lane and Planteen. Kasey Kurtz is hit by the pitch to load the bases. Mason Madsen hits a double to score Rossow and Knecht. Jackson Doeden gets on base via an error and Kurtz scores.

(Continued on page 12)

Drew Planteen saw the only action in the outfield as he caught this popup in center field. (Photo #9935 by Paul Kosel)

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