Saturday,  August 4, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 021 • 8 of 29 •  Other Editions

August 6, 2012 - 7pm
City Council Meeting - City of Groton

1) Minutes
2) Financial Report
3) Bills
4) 7pm Arlys Doeden - Transit Support
5) Department Reports
6) Project Updates
7) Exec. Session - Legal
8) Cemetery Pet Burials Response
9) Cleanup results not completed
10) Set Cleanup Week - Sept 8-15
11) NW Energy Letter
12) Deposit Amounts
13) Bill Review or Forgiveness
14) Plat Approval - Cooper's 1st Subdivision
15) Golf Course Water - Well Options
16) Land Water Conservation Grant Participation
               a) Options   b) Resolution  
17) Soccer/ School Land Use Agreement
18) West Ditch Drainage Project
19) Street Projects 2013-17 Planning
AND any other business that may come before the Council

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