Saturday,  August 4, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 021 • 26 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

Paging Mr. Bolt ... and Mr. Blake ... and Mr. Gatlin: Men's 100 meters begins

• LONDON (AP) -- All anyone's talking about ahead of the men's 100 meters is the showdown between Olympic champion Usain Bolt and world champion Yohan Blake, a pair of Jamaicans who train together.
• As the premier track and field event of the London Games gets started with opening heats Saturday, it seems everyone has an opinion about who's going to win -- and the answers tend to be Bolt or Blake.
• There are other contenders. There's the third Jamaican in the field, Asafa Powell. There's U.S.-record holder Tyson Gay, surgically repaired hip and all. And there even is another past Olympic champion, Justin Gatlin of the U.S., who walked off the stage in Athens eight years ago with the 100 gold.
• But in 2006, Gatlin tested positive for excessive testosterone, leading to a four-year ban that prevented him from defending his title in Beijing.
• Now 30, his prime years perhaps in the past, Gatlin has picked up his career. And guess what? He still believes he has a shot to reclaim his crown, even if he readily admits it's a long shot.
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Jackson siblings Janet, Randy and Rebbie say estate executors have harmed the family

• LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Janet, Randy and Rebbie Jackson say the executors of Michael Jackson's will are causing harm by damaging "fundamental family relationships" and isolating matriarch Katherine Jackson "from anyone questioning the validity of Michael's will."
• The Jackson siblings released a statement late Friday through an attorney amid a fight over their brother's will with the executors of his estate.
• On Thursday a judge named TJ Jackson, a cousin to Michael Jackson's three children, as co-guardian with Katherine Jackson, who was named their sole caretaker in the disputed will.
• Janet, Randy and Rebbie Jackson accuse the executors of a "relentless" negative media campaign and say they have been barred from visiting their 82-year-old mother or Jackson's children.
• "The effect of that notice not only is to damage fundamental family relationships, it is also to isolate Katherine Jackson from anyone questioning the validity of Mi

(Continued on page 27)

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