Saturday,  August 4, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 021 • 25 of 29 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 24)

EYES ON LONDON: Super fast track, Phelps' last swim, Blade Runner's moment, poorly timed ad

• LONDON (AP) -- Around the 2012 Olympics and its host city with journalists from The Associated Press bringing the flavor and details of the games to you:
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• Is it the track?
• Seven female sprinters, led by world champion Carmelita Jeter's time of 10.83 seconds, ran the first round of the 100 in 11 seconds or better Friday.
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Obama, Romney seek foothold from better-than-expected jobs report; campaign messages unchanged

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sputtering along, the economy is offering some hope but no illuminating help to voters who are mired in a weak jobs recovery and flooded with familiar promises from President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. A new employment snapshot seemed too mixed and middling to jolt a consistently close race.
• Three months shy of Election Day, the latest numbers out Friday showed monthly job creation was higher than expected -- but unemployment rose, too. That

gave each candidate political room to see only what he wanted, and to stick with the fundamental economic argument that he thinks will win the White House.
• "It's another hammer blow to the struggling middle-class families of America," Romney said of the pace of job growth, assailing Obama's record from a Las Vegas trucking business. At the White House, Obama surrounding himself with some of those families, playing up 29 straight months that private employers have added jobs.
• "Those are our neighbors and families finding work," Obama said. "But, let's acknowledge, we've still got too many folks out there who are looking for work."
• Fittingly, the two men spoke over each other on television, holding events at the same time.
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(Continued on page 26)

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